Stewardship Committee
Original Stewardship Committee Members
St. Anne’s Stewardship Committee
Spread the love of the living presence of God by strengthening parishioner’s relationships with Christ and the Church through their gifts of time, talent, and treasure.
Current Members:
Father Shofner
Jill Reinhardt, Chair
Jim Sullivan, Co-Chair
Kathy Ramey, Secretary
Megan Coryell
Terri Kirby
Cindy Maczkowicz
Karen and Gary Monahan
Julie Rabaey
- Prayer/Evangelization and Communications
- Hospitality/Service
Current Activities
- Work with Father and other church organization leaders to create prayer initiatives/mission outreach efforts for other church groups and all parishioners
- Communication and Education about stewardship to the parish in various forms
- Grow awareness of stewardship in our parish through various parish communication channels (bulletin, website, face book, flock notes, printed newsletters, reports, other).
- Reach out to new members and visitors at our Masses and parish activities. Develop relationships and tell our faith stories.
- New Member visits
- Represent stewardship committee and outreach to parishioners through social events and service projects
- Facilitate and participate in parish activities (i.e., Parish Directory, Archdiocese Synod events, others)
- Plan and execute community-building outings/events
Stewardship Committee Meeting Minutes
Stewardship Commitee Member Responsibilities/Activities:
Member Responsibilities:
• Serve a 2-year term
• Attend one meeting/month
• Serve on one of our subcommittees and participate in stewardship and parish events and activities
• Participate in the Archdiocesan Synod
• Plan and Exececuted Parish Directory activities
• Virtus Training
Interested in helping us spread the love of God to our parish community?
Contact the parish office: 507-665-3811